4 min readMay 21, 2021


Rainbow Foods

Today we will continue our series on Rainbow foods which we started two Fridays back, you can read about it here https://ndaliblog.medium.com/rainbow-foods-red-9d21c84b8e5c and today we shall be talking about purple and blue rainbow foods

Blue and purple fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals known as anthocyanins and resveratrol. Anthocyanins are anti inflammatory (they reduce inflammation, which often helps reduce pain), and anti carcinogenic (prevents the development of cancer), and they also lower the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Resveratrol has disease preventing and anti-aging properties and reduces risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Blue and purple foods also contain lutein, Vitamin C, quercetin which supports eye health, lower LDL cholesterol, boost the immune system and help protect the digestive tract from cancer.

Examples of purple and blue rainbow foods are; black currants, blackberries, blueberries, eggplant, plums, purple potatoes,, purple cabbage, purple carrots, purple cauliflower, purple grape and raisins.

Now let’s look at some tips and facts about purple and blue superfoods

  • Blackberries :Blackberries are packed with vitamin C and are high in fiber, vitamin K, and manganese. The fiber in them helps reduce cholesterol, promotes regularity, and helps you lose weight. The manganese helps with bone development and is a boost to the immune system.
  • Blueberries :Known as a superfood, blueberries contain vitamins C, K, manganese, and anthocyanins. They also contain higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruits and vegetables. They are a good source of fiber because they are low in calories and nutrient dense, it’s a wise choice to add them to our list of foods to eat daily.
  • Grapes :Resveratrol is a main nutrient in grapes. It protects against cancer, eye problems, and heart disease. In addition, grapes contain potassium and fiber.
  • Purple cabbage :Purple cabbage is also known as red cabbage. Purple cabbage is also thought to lower inflammation and protect against certain types of cancers. Moreover, it’s an incredibly versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed raw, cooked, or fermented and added to a variety of dishes. It is a cruciferous vegetable that is packed with loads of nutrients such as choline, phosphorus, vitamin B2, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron, pantothenic acid and niacin.
Purple cabbage
  • Purple potatoes :The purple color of potatoes tells you they are rich in antioxidants. Purple potatoes have a lower glycemic index number which makes them a bit healthier than regular potatoes.

Research has also shown that richly-coloured foods such as blueberries, grapes and eggplant may help heart health, blood pressure and obesity.

How To Include Purple and Blue Foods in your Diet

I know many of us are wondering how to include these foods in our everyday meals so as to benefit from the many nutrients they offer. Well, here are some useful tips;

  1. Add a handful of blueberries or blackberries or a tablespoon of raisins to breakfast cereals, or oats porridge or as a pancake topping.
  2. Make a superfood smoothie with blackberries and blueberries in a blender.
  3. Make a healthy coleslaw using grated carrot, thinly sliced onion, shredded purple cabbage and a few raisins — mix with low-fat natural yogurt and a little low-fat mayo to keep the calories down.
  4. Make a delicious dessert by adding blueberries and blackberries in a parfait with low fat yoghurt
Pancake garnished with blueberries

I hope we enjoyed purple/blue rainbow foods. Next Friday we will be talking about Green and the White/Brown rainbow foods to wrap up the series, kindly make it a date with us.

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Written by Ndali

Your one stop blog to a healthy lifestyle. Ndali is a healthy food delivery mobile and web app that connects professional chefs and food vendors to food lovers.

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